Fabric Half Mask Tutorial
Reminder that fabric masks cannot replace a proper N95 but worn as a precaution during times like this. We found 100% tightly woven cotton is the best material to use in terms of function and breathability. We have also used a tight scuba knit but can start feeling warm during long wears. For the lining, we have used cotton and bamboo knit. You can check the weave of a fabric by holding it up to the light to check for the spacing between the yarns. The more light it filters, the tighter the weave.
Scientific research published by Cambridge can be found here
For additional protection, you can use a bonded material as replacement filters. Drying out a wet wipe may be suitable. Remove filter and wash with hot water and detergent before wearing and thoroughly after each use. Do not touch the contaminated side of the mask. Remember to wash your hands!
Now let’s get started!
1. With the fabric right sides together, sew the centre front curve seam for both the outer and lining pieces. Depending on your fabric, it is always best to pin in place for ease of sewing. This next step is not necessary but clip the curve if required.
Remember to backstitch at the beginning and at the end of your stitch.
2. Next push the seam to one side and edge stitch 2-3mm from the centre front seam on the outer piece.
3. On the lining, fold and press 1 centimetre of the sides. You can mark a line 2 centimetre from the edge of the fabric to help with the fold.
4. Match up the mask lining on top of the outer mask, right sides together and aligning the centre front seams. Pin the top and the bottom pieces together.
5. Sew the top seam from one edge to the other and then sew the bottom seam.
6. Turn the mask right sides out, press the top and bottom seams flat.
7. With the lining side facing you, fold the main sides over 1.5 centimetres and press.
8. Zig-Zag or serge the raw edges of the main fabric.
Add Elastic
9. Carefully place the elastic or twill tape in between the folded casing. Sew a straight or zig-zag stitch 1 centimetre from the folded edge. Knot the elastic tightly (if using cord) or sew (if using band). Adjust elastic so knot is hidden within one of the casings.
Make as many as you can for your friends and family and to give to our most vulnerable people at this moment in time. Remember to wash with detergent before wearing the first time and after every use!